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Leash Off | Game On Digital Download

10 energy injecting games that you and your dog will simply love to play together that build the powerful concept of proximity.



Here’s What You Need….…A tried-and-tested treasure trove of games that you can pluck out and play with your dog anytime, anywhere that turn these struggles into STRENGTHS! To get you onto the road to success, the Leash Off Game On Digital Download is your ticket.

In this digital program of 10 games, we walk you through 10 energy injecting games that you and your dog will simply love to play together that build the powerful concept of proximity – a dog that LOVES to be close and chooses YOU over distractions.

The games are easily explained and demoed by some of our students so you can crack on with the business of having fun practising them with your dog!

Playing the games from Leash Off Game On will ultimately lead to a dog who chooses to hang out with you as you are the source of all things fun, making recall struggles a thing of the past! This  has been watched by over 25,000 people across the world and counting, transforming stressful walks to STRESS-FREE!